Spotlight Saturday at Crest Pointe Features: Dana Walsh

It’s time for Spotlight Saturday and we recently had the opportunity to sit with our very own Rehab Director, Dana Walsh. We invite you to get to know Dana more by reading her interview below:

1. How long have you worked at Crest Pointe?
I have worked here at the center for the past eleven years and am happy to say it has been my home away from home.

2. Before working at Crest Pointe, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
One of the most unusual jobs I have had was working as a Monitor for Study Halls while I was in college.

3. How did you first learn about Crest Pointe?
Being born and raised a proud Jersey Shore Girl in Pt. Pleasant, I have known about this center since I was a little girl, especially since I grew up about one block away from it.

4. How do you balance your career at Crest Pointe and your family life?
I am fortunate to be able to balance my career and family because of the location of the center and the flexibility of my schedule. My primary reason for selecting Crest Pointe was the proximity of the center to my home. This allows me to give 100% to both my work life and family life.

5. What are 3 words to describe your team members at Crest Pointe?
First and foremost my team members are my second-family, they are also supportive and caring. It feels so good to be part of this team.

6. What do you like most about your job?
I really enjoy being a part of the overall success of those we treat and seeing patients return to home.

7. What has been your favorite memory at Crest Pointe?
There are so many memories I have that are held close to my heart, but I can remember this one particular gentleman who came in very ill. He was non-ambulatory, had a trach, a feeding tube, and over the course of his time here graduated from our rehab and was able to return home independently. Knowing he was able to return home and able to walk, bathe, dress, and cook for himself was such a wonderful and powerful moment for me.

8. What have you gained from working at Crest Pointe?
I have gained a second family with staff and residents.

9. What is one thing your co-workers don’t know about you?
One thing my coworkers don’t know is how I used to be a hair band girl and enjoy jamming out to music from the 80’s and 90s. One of my favorite musicians from that time was Bon Jovi.

10. What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my children and husband. I like to go camping and enjoy reading. My favorite author is Ellen Hildebrandt.

11. What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is: The Proposal

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